View All →- Emb 545/550 B1/B2 Theory & Practical Location: Germany Duration: 18 days
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We are always looking at adding Engineering Instructors to our list of contractors, so if you are interested and would like more information contact Mark Jarmain our Training Manager:
CAAN Nepal Approval
We have received our CAAN Nepalese approval as of 25th August 2023.
Farnborough Airshow 2024
We are excited to have a pod for the day at the Farnborough Airshow on the 25 July 2024, so come find us if you are interested in our Aircraft Engineering Training courses and would like to have a chat and find out what we can offer. Be good to see you.
The latest update to Annex IV of AMC 147.A.130(a) Training procedures and quality systems finally opens the door to the new training methods and training technologies with potential for Web Based delivery of theory Type Training.
A link to it is provided below.
I hope that this email finds you and yours well in spite of the grave circumstances in which we find ourselves.
The interests of our customers and our staff have always been at the heart of everything we do, and this is particularly so in these dark days.
You will all be aware that the Coronavirus has created major difficulties for the aviation industry across the world and we are no exception.
The staff of our sales and support teams are working from home and the face to face training which we carry out has been severely curtailed.
We intend to be here when the dust settles and are happy to discuss any ways we can help you now or in the future.
We do ask that you bear with us if our response is a little slower than usual.
Courses at the Top of the World
AeCAT is now delivering training at the top of the world with a series of courses for airlines in Nepal
AeCAT Preparations for Brexit
We have completed an early application to EASA for third country approval in the event of a No-Deal Brexit and have received confirmation that an EASA certificate has been approved and will be issued immediately upon leaving the EU to maintain our ongoing approval.
Relocation of Admin Office
AeCAT has recently moved the administration and training management staff into new accommodation in the Global Centre, Spalding Road, Deeping St James. This is in response to the continuing expansion of our portfolio and delivery volume and the steady increase in staff numbers.
On the 13th April 2018 the European Commission issued a Notice to Stake Holders about the implications of the UK withdrawal from the EU. The response from the CAA and our commitment for ongoing approval are outlined below.